In India, where the Common Indian Myna originated,
it is called the “Farmer’s Friend” because
it eats insects that destroy crop plants. The name myna comes
from a Hindi word, “maina” meaning a bird of the
starling family, Sturnidae, to which mynas belong. Mynas in
India are also regarded as symbols of undying love, because
they often pair for life and maina is also sometimes
used as a term of endearment for young girls.
Common Indian Mynas and some other species of myna, particularly
Indian Hill Mynas, Gracula religiosa, are accomplished
mimics and can learn to talk. For this reason mynas have been
taken to many parts of the world as cage birds. For
more information see the Mynah bird home page:
Common Indian Mynas were brought to Melbourne in 1862 to
control insect pests in market gardens, but even though they
were not successful at this, they were taken from Melbourne
to many other places in Australia, including north Queensland,
where it was thought they would control insect pests of sugar
cane. Cane Toads were introduced to Queensland for the same
reason and have also become pests. Common Indian Mynas have
established feral populations in many parts of the world.
Common Indian Mynas can be an economic problem because they
damage fruit and grain crops and their noise and smell can
be annoying where they are in large numbers. Mynas can also
spread mites and they have the potential to spread disease
to people and domestic animals. Mynas become quite fearless
of people if they are not hassled and can be a problem in
outdoor eating areas by stealing food off people’s plates.
There are a few records of mynas attacking people, but this
is not common.
Perhaps the Common Indian Myna’s most serious “crime” is that it competes aggressively with native wildlife for
nesting hollows. Common Indian Mynas nest in tree hollows,
or places like them, such as holes in roofs. Hollows are in
short supply over much of Australia because of clearing for
Read more: Pell
and Tidemann 1997, in EMU (abstract of scientific
Mynas reduce biodiversity by fighting for hollows with native
birds like Rosellas, destroying their eggs and chicks and
stopping them from breeding. Indian Mynas are capable of evicting
even large birds such as Kookaburras and Dollar Birds from
their nests. They also evict small mammals, like Sugar Gliders
from hollows – which commonly means a death sentence
for the Gliders because they have nowhere else to go. It is
not uncommon for groups of mynas to mob other birds and mammals
like possums.
Sugar Glider |
Crimson Rosella |
In the ACT and some other places in Australia Mynas have
invaded woodland habitats. There is not much woodland left
in Australia and this additional threat to native wildlife
can be a serious problem for biodiversity conservation.
Read more: Pell
and Tidemann 1997, in Biological Conservation
(abstract of scientific paper)
Feral Common Indian Mynas are a serious problem for biodiversity
conservation in many countries other than Australia. In the
year 2000, Common Indian Mynas were listed by the World Conservation
Union (IUCN) as one of the World’s 100 Worst Invasive
IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group:
The Global Invasive Species Programme:
Mynas were recently voted the most unpopular feral animal
in Australia:
Ironically, Common Indian Mynas have not been formally recognised
as a problem by conservation agencies in Australia, except
in the ACT, where the ACT Government has directed resources
to seeking solutions.
Environment ACT: