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The ecology of the Common Myna in urban nature reserves in the Australian Capital Territory

A.S. Pell & C.R. Tidemann


The Common Myna Acridotheres tristis has increased its population and distribution in Australia since its introduction in 1862. It nests in tree hollows and may compete for these resources with native hollow-nesting species. Urban nature reserves comprising open, grassy woodland with remnant hollow-bearing trees may provide ideal breeding habitat for Common Mynas. The paper examine the ecology of the Common Myna in two such reserves. The birds made extensive use of the reserves for breeding. Feeding activity in reserves (on ground-dwelling invertebrates with some berry feeding) was seasonally variable. Numbers in reserves were highest during the breeding season and lowest over the winter period. Numbers in adjacent suburbs showed the inverse seasonal pattern. There was evidence of differential use of habitat within reserves, with Common Mynas being more prevalent in reserve edges, than in interior or woodland areas. Reproductive performance is compared with published overseas data. Roosting behaviour and defence of territory by Common Myna are discussed.


Pell, A.S. and Tidemann, C.R. (1997). The ecology of the common myna (Acridotheres tristis) in urban nature reserves in the Australian Capital Territory. EMU 97: 141-149.

Copyright © Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union.


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  Copyright (c) The Australian National University
Date Last Modified: Nov 2009
Author: Dr Chris Tidemann, ANU Fenner School (1998-)

Website designed by Andrew Wong