Conservation Tips
Because the majority of woodlands are on privately owned land, it is important to understand what steps you can take to make a difference if you have woodland habitat on your property. Here are actions which will help woodland-dependant wildlife. We realise that it's not always possible to do all of these things, but every little bit helps - it's a matter of doing what you can.
- Protect large, old trees, including paddock trees, especially those with hollows
- Protect standing dead trees
- Leave fallen timber
- Leave rocks and boulders
- Manage grazing appropriately (at the right time of year and at the right intervals) and when necessary fence off paddock trees and remnant vegetation to allow regeneration*
- Protect native grasses, e.g. tussock grass
- Establish native vegetation plantings: today’s plantings are tomorrow’s large, old trees*.
*Funding is available: contact your local Catchment Management Authority for some of these activities. For farms which have a good mix of these features already, stewardship payments are also on their way through Catchment Management Authorities.
