Forest Mensuration. Brack and Wood


Leaning trees
Sloping ground

Estimating height of vertical trees
using trigonometric principles ©

The most common method for measuring tree height involves the use of trigonometric principles. This method is best described by using an example.

Diagram of vertical tree Assume that:

There are two general approaches to estimating this height:

Vertical trees
Leaning trees

Estimating height of vertical trees on sloping ground
using trigonometric principles

The simple case described above assumed that the operator is above the level of the tree base. On sloping ground this may not be the case. On sloping ground it may also be difficult to determine the horizontal distance to the tree (OC).

Diagram of tree on slope In the situation represented in the adjacent diagram, calculate the horizontal distance OC (from slope distance OB and angle BOC) and subtract the length BC from AC.

   AB = AC - BC
      = OC x (TAN(AOC) - TAN(BOC))

where OC = OB x COS(BOC)
Alternatively, if the slope is not severe, the horizontal distance OC can be measured by holding a measuring tape at point B and stretching it out horzontally until it is exactly above point O.

Tables can be derived for various combinations of angles AOC and BOC, and slope distance OB, from which values of AB can be read.

Mon, 6 Jan. 1997