In forest mensuration, the term site generally refers to the:
totality of environmental conditions that exist at a specified location.
Site is an abstract concept which combines a multitude of environmental factors affecting tree growth into a unified classification.

The environmental factors that influence growth include:
- soil factors, e.g. physical and chemical properties, soil moisture, soil microorganisms;
- topographic factors, e.g. slope, elevation, aspect;
- competitive factors, e.g. other trees and lesser vegetation, animals, man.
- climatic factors, e.g. air temperature, humidity, radiant energy, precipitation, wind;
Defining and mapping site (survey and classification) is useful for several reasons:
- Estimates of site can be used to identify land that is more (or less) appropriate for different uses. Hence better land use policies and practices are encouraged.
- Management planning can be improved when homogeneous land areas are delineated on maps. Better documentation of these areas will also reduce the potential loss of information that follows the movement or retirement of experienced field staff.
- Estimates of yield can often be improved if the quality of the site is known.
Site Quality
Site Quality is used as an indicator of site when a specific management objectve is being pursued. It may be defined as:
an indicator of the productive capacity of a specific area of land for a particular species.
In the context of timber management, site quality can be defined as:
the potential of the site to produce timber given a particular species or forest type.
Site quality is not easy to assess. The factors of the site and the plants themselves are interacting and interdependent making it difficult to assign cause and effect relationships.
There is no single measure of site quality that has been found to be entirely satisfactory.
Some methods used to describe or measure site quality (Based on Frankcombe, 1997)
Soil Evaluation
Classification of a site using soil characteristics. Individual or collective soil properties that correlate with site qualiy are chosen and measured. Permanent (soil depth and texture, etc.) and dynmic (nutrient evels, structure, pH, etc.) soil charactersitics can both influence site quality.
Looks at causal factors of site productivity
Expensive, time consuming and difficult to carry out
Climatic Evaluation
Based on the assumption that climatic factors like rainfall, temperature, length of growing season, wind and light all affect plant survival and growth and are therefore related to site quality. |
Easy to obtain data from external sources (Met. Bureaus, etc.) |
Accurate data not typically available. Arbitrary ratings often used |
Topographic Evaluation |
Based on the assumption that growth can be correlated with landform variables like aspect, gradient, position on the slope, length of slope and the geometric shape of the site. The Terrain Shape Index (TSI) is one example of using topographic measurements to correlate with site (McNab, 1989). |
Accounts for local variation
Can be complex to carry out |
Stand Pognosis
A forecast of stands which is based on vegetational and environmental features in a model. These features can include plant density, topography, habitat type, soil type, moisture, soil depth and humus content. |
Good to forecast stand growth |
Requires alot of data which is exensive and time consuming to collect |
Wood Production
Timber volume at a given age or mean annual increment as an integrated expression of all biological and environmental influences. |
Typically well researched. Relatively easy to measure |
Problems associated wih measuring tree volumes. Trees must already exist on the site |
Tree dimensions / size
Based on the assumption that trees grown on a good site will be bigger (eg taller, larger average diameter, greater natural basal area, etc.) than those on a poor site of the same age or structure. |
Widely applicable. Easy to measure. |
Intensive measurements may be costly |
Species Composition
Indentification of native vegetation (or even weed species) which are indicative of site characteristics. |
Related to causal factors and very sensitive |
Requires skilled people. Restricted to simple composition forests. |
An arrangement of species composition ordered against a gradient such as climatic conditions or parent material. |
Simple to implement. Integrates vegetative and environment factors |
Subject to an understanding of environmental interactions |
Stand Appearance
A description of characteristics like general vigour, form, crown density, needle length and colour, bark colour and tightness, green level and canopy formation. |
Easily carried out |
Subjective |
Relative Stocking Index
A ratio of measured stand density in a fully stocked stand to the predicted mean tree size. (See Berguson et al, 1994) |
Close association with causal factors |
Requires fully stocked stands |
Site Index
The mean height of a specified number of dominant (and co-dominant) trees at an index age. The number and selection of trees and the index age varies. See {Code of Forest Mensuration Practice} for details. |
Easily implemented |
Only suitable for even-aged stands of known age |
Site Form
The average or modelled height of trees with a nominated reference diameter at breast height. (See Vanclay and Henry, 1988) |
Easily implemented |
Intensive measurements may be costly |
Modelling using Geographic Information Systems
Use the data handling and modelling capabilities of a GIS to extrapolate site quality measurements from areas with similar environmental conditions. |
Fast and efficient means of managing and interpreting data |
Cost and difficulties with use of many current software systems |
Remote Sensing
Determine the amount of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation. The more radiation intercepted and used efficiently, the higher the productive capability or site quality of the land. |
Able to cover large areas effectively and efficiently |
Cost of data collection and analysis software. Current wariness of true ability |