M&M Author

Author, acknowledgements and copyright
Forest Measurement and Modelling.

Cris Brack, PhD (UBC)

Senior Lecturer
Department of Forestry,
Australian National University

All efforts have been made by the author to ensure the material on this site is accurate and up to date, but no responsibility is accepted.
Copyright Copyright is held by the author and ANU.

Permission is given to copy material for personal use for which the Australian National University holds copyright, provided:
  • credit is given,
  • the copies are not intended for sale, and
  • the copies are not intended for teaching purposes in a tertiary education environment without prior approval in writing from the author.
Acknowledgements G.B. Wood provided extensive help and comment on a previous set of World Wide Web resources for Forest Mensuration. I hope this new work has benefited from these comments.
Updating and adding material Digital resources on the WWW can be updated, corrected and expanded with relative ease. If you have any suggestions, please contact the author by e-mail at Cris.Brack@anu.edu.au, or the Forestry Department at Forestry@anu.edu.au.

[author.htm] Revision: 6/1999